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  • Writer's picturePRESO Inc.

Distribution of PRESO We Care Packages

Updated: Mar 31

From November 9 to 15 our PRESO CBB Program Field Officers distributed care packages, each comprised of 10 kilos rice, assorted goods and medicines, to 68 of our CBB Participants. the packages were donated through the efforts of Atty. Erwin Zagala of Counsellor Institute and Legal Guide Philippines.

Thank you so much for your support Atty. Erwin as well as your donors. Thank you as well to Bro. Totie Golingo who gave a short inspirational and catechism to our participants at the Quezon City Jail Male Dorm distribution venue.

Our gratitude also to Quezon City Jail Male Dorm Warden Mirasol Vitor and her Welfare and Development Unit staff for assisting us. Warden Vitor also gave an inspirational talk to the CBB Participants and their loved ones who were present.

Aside from the Quezon City Jail Male Dorm, other distribution areas were at Sta. Quiteria Church in Manila, Barangay Palatiw in Pasig City and Barangay 198 Zone 20 District 1 in Pasay City.

We hope to continue with other similar PRESO We Care activities to help our CBB Participants as they face the challenges brought about by the pandemic in their journey towards community reintegration.


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