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  • Writer's pictureSolita Baltazar

(EN) Our Muslim Brothers Also Deserve Help!

Updated: Dec 19, 2020

In the jails that PRESO Inc. serves, the most number of PDL (persons deprived of liberty) who sought our assistance are either Catholics or Born Again Christians. But one of the requests forwarded to me obviously, by his name, came from a Muslim PDL.

I was made to understand that Ashaar as a young detainee, has been visibly silent and could hardly mingle with other co-detainees. He has had no violations and considered good in his behavior. He was so surprised to know that he will be interviewed by one of PRESO Inc.’s Officers. He actually claims innocence of the charge filed against him. He said that he was at the house of his uncle, who admits to being a user for leisure, when they were apprehended by the Police.

Ashaar was a simple merchant who tries to help his mother in the buy and sell of some commodities in order to survive. He comes from a very poor family with 7 siblings. His father died years ago. And his imprisonment was one big blow to the family. Fortunately, his own lawyer told him to just speak out the truth and not admit to the crime if indeed he believes he is innocent. He has a recommended bail of Php 53,000 which was later paid by PRESO Inc.

When I visited their home for the second time, I finally met him again but now with a pleasant smile on his face, hardly believing that he is now enjoying, although temporarily, his much desired freedom. His own mother too, at first, could not believe that we were willing to help them. But nothing is indeed impossible with Allah. Ashaar hopes to continue helping his mother in her small business at the same time takes extra precaution in his dealing with peers. I explained to him that this bail entails also responsibilities on his part and that he should take advantage of this opportunity to improve himself and continue taking care of his family. Surely, every PDL who is qualified under our Community Bail Bond Program criteria, shall be assisted, no matter what religion or faith he/she belongs to as long as they believe in one Great God who sees everything and from whom we seek Justice and Mercy.

Indeed, my Muslim brother, Ashaar deserves help too!


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