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  • Writer's pictureDerek Santos

Interview Skills & Ethics Training

Updated: May 4, 2023

Members of PRESO, Inc.'s Community Bail Bond Program field officers as well as our partner social worker from El Proveedores Foundation took part in an Interview Skills and Ethics training last 18 & 19 August.

Assistant Professor Hannah Glimpse Nario-Lopez from the University of the Philippines Department of Sociology provided the participants provided the participants with the basic principles, theories and appropriate techniques in conducting successful interviews. She discussed approaches to interviewing using Filipino psychology as well as the importance of ethics as interviewers.

The training also provided an opportunity for the workers to reflect on their personal experiences in implementing the CBB Program and to make initial assessment of PRESO as it responds to PDL's needs thru this program. We look forward to working with Asst. Prof. Nario-Lopez in the future in our resolve to continue improving our Community Bail Bond Program.


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