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  • Writer's pictureSolita Baltazar

Miracles Still Happen (The Memorare)

A smart, diligent mother of 3 adorable children-twins(both boys) and one girl, Weena has been working hard as a regular Call Center staff for a couple of years. Because of a relatively early marriage, she was not able to complete her course in Nursing. Nevertheless, she tirelessly exerted all efforts in order to earn a little bit more than enough for herself so she could also support her mother who has long been estranged from her father. Her husband unfortunately has not been regularly employed.

Several months ago at the start of the pandemic, she suddenly found herself in a rather weird situation. Her husband was caught in a buy-bust operation and since she was at that time witnessing the operation, she too was dragged by the law enforcement agents into the case as one of those involved. Hence she too was charged with illegal possession, use and sale of drugs.

Undoubtedly innocent, Weena took all these in stride, but not without continuously crying at nights- having to endure the pain of being separated from her young kids. This plus the long list of case- related fees and expenses including supplementary support for her family’s subsistence were causing Weena major headaches. But she never lost HOPE. She attributed her strength and confidence mostly in her constant pleading thru the Memorare, a special prayer dedicated to the Blessed Mother Mary. She prayed this a number of times in a day.

While in jail, she also continued to behave well such that the Warden made her a “trustee”. She then became busy doing small office tasks. It was the Warden herself who referred Weena to PRESO Inc (and in turn asked the assistance of Ideals, also a legal/paralegal NGO) for possible posting of bail. Since she could no longer pay for her private lawyer, she soon was assisted by a persevering PAO lawyer. Weena’s case was non-bailable. It took two months before her petition to bail was favorably acted upon. The bigger challenge then was how she could pay the recommended bail of P200,000. PRESO Inc decided to shoulder half of the amount, i.e. P100K; but it took another month when Weena’s father himself finally was able to produce the other half. All this time, Weena prayed unceasingly- reciting often the Memorare.

After almost a month in temporary freedom, Weena took the stand as defendant in a recent hearing. Two weeks later, the day of promulgation came. Of the 4 accused, only Weena was declared not guilty hence a verdict of ACQUITTAL. Cries of joy and sorrow filled the courtroom and in a few minutes, Weena came out and gave her mother a tight victory hug. PRESO’s Case worker was also present.

While it is difficult for Weena to accept that her husband is convicted, she, again and again, trusts that God knows what is best for her and her family. She also expressed her warmest gratitude to all those who helped her. PRESO Inc in fact isn’t finished with her yet, as we continue to monitor her situation and try to extend whatever assistance she may need to start anew. If you ask Weena, she will gladly tell you that miracles still happen and that "never was it known that anyone who implored the help of the Lord and the intercession of Mother Mary was left unaided”.


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