Last June 7, 2022, the Board of Directors of PRESO, Inc. held their first face-to-face gathering in more than two years. The long-awaited reunion was made all the more special as our chief consultant, Dr. Raymund E. Narag, was able to join us. He will also conduct several PRESO, Inc. related activities during his stay in the country. It was a fitting celebration as we also marked the second anniversary of the Community Bail Bond Program. The CBB Program was a direct response to the pandemic as we feared the worst should the covid-19 virus enter our overcrowded jail facilities. The program has grown by leaps and bounds since it began last May 2020 and to date, we have successfully released 86 Persons Deprived of Liberty. Our Program Field Officers conducted 3,377 monitoring activities as part of our holistic program that incorporates risk and needs assessment of applicants as well as post release interventions to ensure their full reintegration into their communities upon release. Most significantly, through the release of these 86 PDL, our government has saved Php 1.2M. This is computed by adding the amount budgeted per day (PhP70 for food) per PDL multiplied by the number of days since the day of the release from jail of every individual Participant. These savings will increase as days go by and as long as their cases are not terminated. For those whose cases are dismissed, served early or whose probation was approved, we expect a savings of least 60 days of non-incarceration. We look forward to continuing this program as an effective means of addressing jail congestion and the slow pace of our criminal justice system.
Our Community Bail Bond Program Enters its 3rd Year
Updated: May 10, 2023