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  • Writer's picturePRESO Inc.

PCIJ Life Inside Forum

Last November 15, PRESO., Inc. waa among the invited guests n a forum organized by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ). The forum marked the end of a two-year journalistic audit of the rights and welfare conditions of persons deprived of liberty (PDL), including interventions by state agencies, as well as weaknesses in PDLs’ access to justice. The output of the audit was the Prison Reporting Project titled: “Life Inside: Confronting the Humanitarian Crisis in Philippine Jails and Prisons.”

Our Chief Consultant, Dr. Raymund Narag was among the featured speakers and gave specific steps the Philippine government should take to improve the state of the country's jails and prisons. Narag discussed the solutions to congestion, as well as the problem of prisoners' health inside jails. Learn more about the Prison Reporting Project here:

"Stakeholders Call for ‘Holistic’ Reform as Percy Lapid Case Bares Systemic Problems in Prisons" Dr. Narag's recommendations for improving correctional management are shown here:


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