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  • Writer's picturePRESO Inc.

PRESO Joins the NACOCOW-PAW Celebrations

Updated: May 23, 2023

From October 24 to 30, the plight of Persons Deprived of Liberty are brought to the limelight with the annual National Correctional Consciousness Week. NACOCOW aims to raise the level of consciousness and promote awareness in both public and private sectors on the plight of prisoners, detainees, probationers and parolees. It also seeks to make an impact on the re-socialization process of every inmate for their eventual reintegration to the society.

The Catholic Church also observes the Prison Awareness Week (PAW) during the same week. PRESO, Inc. took part in the week-long affair through the donation of soaps, bread and other much needed supplies for PDL. We likewise joined several programs and activities conducted by several BJMP-NCR jails as well as online seminars by the CBCP-ECPPC and Commission on Human Rights.


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